tattoo marketing agency socialbeards

Get more bookings and build your tattoo business brand

By using this complete package online marketing for tattoo shops

Combining the power of Google with the influence of Social Media

More than 95% of all people on the internet use Google search for whatever they want to find. 87% of people looking to book an appointment with an artist want to see their work on social media first. 73% of tattoo clients have let us know they find it beneficial for their choice when an artist as a website they can visit. By combining this triangle we give you brand authority and install trust with those customers. They now see you as the professional you are!

Our clients on the ๐ŸŽค 

"Very busy"
We started working together during the quiet period, and this resulted in the quiet period suddenly becoming very busy!
Joey - Tattoo Joey
"Expert in different fields"
A really nice company to work with. Experts in different fields who work together perfectly. The best thing is that a lot of work is taken off my hands. As an artist, I like to work with my hands, but online is where customers find me.
Stuart - Hofman piercing & fine jewelry
"I love it!"
My website is super clear. My customers love that they van book an intake appointment online. I love it. 
Natasja - Bad Influence Tattoo
Promote your tattoo shop through social media

Online marketing for your tattoo shop

It can be a real challenge to keep up with all the social media changes and Google requirements all the time. Let alone do everything at once AND manage your tattoo shop and clients, draw your designs, get the tattoos in and deal with the finances. We can give you more time, more clients and more of the tattoos you want to do. By setting up a strong customer flow. Using an automated intake system you'll save a lot of time in contacting clients and be able to upsell your designs during the intake. Our automated intake system ensures all the 'junk clients' get filtered out. 

A strong website

A strong website is just as important as good inks to work with. You can get by using 'B' grade inks but your work wil not hold as long or set as good. This is the same with online marketing. If you don't have the whole triangle in place your customer flow won't be as good or durable. 

Google ๐Ÿซฑ๐Ÿพโ€๐Ÿซฒ๐Ÿผ Social Media

Using the combination of Google ads and Social Media promotion we can boost your reach and make sure new clients engage with your website and social media account. People get to see you cross-platform and this builds trust and brand authority. Our secret sauce is the social media coaching you get in our Full Color Package. Our expert coaches help you build the organic social media reputation you need to rank high and really drive home your brand authority. This results in bookings by clients with projects you want to do. 

This is how we make it work for you

  1. First we do a video call to see if you and us are match. We'll tell you everything you want to know about our business and how we are going to make online marketing work for you. During this call you'll get marketing tips on how you can already improve your situation immediately. 
  2. Let's start! We're a match and you chose us to help you grow! Now we'll need some access to your Google Adwords, Social media ads account and website to make everything function. Haven't got a website? We'll build one for you for free! This will take us no more than a month. You won't be paying us a thing before the ads are running and the website is online!
  3. Identifying events and campaigns. We'll make a year planning on which events you'd like to do. Flash days, celebrations, artist wanted posts and convention dates. We'll adjust the online marketing for your tattoo shop accordingly. 
  4. Setting up the coaching. One of your expert social media coaches will get in touch with you and together you'll determine a schedule and plan depending on your business goals. 
  5. The campaigns are running. And we'll keep a close eye on the statistics for you. Every month you'll receive a detailed report about how everything is going and what we're optimizing for you. 
  6. Optimization of your campaigns. Every month we evaluate what we can do better on your campaigns. We look at the Google data and update everything to make the campaigns work better every month. 

Why choose us?

We're not your average online marketing agency running a few campaigns for you. We've dedicated our entire existence on perfecting online marketing for tattoo shops. We are the only online marketing agency that does this. We specialize in making your growth happen as a tattoo business by going the extra mile. Using the social media coaching and really elevating your knowledge about social media so you can build on that.

Why not hire a conventional marketing agency that has no experience in your field? The same can be said about a very good blackwork artist getting hired to do a realism portrait. They might be able to do it but never as good as the artist that specializes in realistic portraits. So, do you want your tattoo business to grow the best it can using online marketing for your tattoo shop? You need to hire us ๐Ÿค™๐Ÿฝ

Our Full Color Package

Best value

FullColor Package

  • Everything from both Google & Social Media packages.
  • Weekly 30 minute 1-on-1 social media coaching.
  • Free website built in Phoenix websoftware.
  • Online intake system. So you no longer waste time on DM's that have no end. Clients book an intake with you  and after that you schedule the appointment. 
  • We help you do the online marketing for all events like flash days, conventions, seminars and other special plans. 
  • Personal connection. You get a direct line to Buck. 
  • 10% discount with our supply partners. 
  • Monthly updated campaigns tailored to the specific trends and needs of our campaigns and audience. 
  • Clear and specific monthly overview report with the plan for next months ads. 

Download our free handout

Want to know more about our services and how they work for you? Download the free hand-out right here. You'll read all the ins and outs about our services and our tattoo marketing agency. 
free hand out tattoo marketing agency